Pro-choice | Liberals | Conservatives |
Abortion | X | |
Same Sex Marriage | X | |
To Keep and Bear Arms | X | |
Buy health insurance | X | |
Wear motorcycle helmet | X | |
X | ||
Smoke in public | X | |
Buy incandescent bulbs* | X | |
X | ||
X |
Here's my question: How could that possibly be true since we don't have commuter rail running through our community?”
I've been telling people that it is only a matter of time before the environmental community woke up and realized that H2O is the #1 greenhouse gas.
NewScientist: Water vapour worse climate change villain than thought
Did you see that CNN actually did a “fact-check” of the comedy skit? No I’m not making that up.
In today’s Real Clear Politics, David Paul Kuhn discusses…
Most presidents become a joke at some point. It's a matter of when and how. Both points should concern this president. In Winston Churchill's words, "a joke is a very serious thing." Or it can be, when the joke is about a very serious thing.
"Saturday Night Live" has long been a comedic benchmark. Last weekend, SNL took its first hard hit at President Obama. Fred Armisen, who plays the president, gave an Oval Office address questioning why some critics were distraught with him transforming the country: "When you look at my record it's very clear what I've done so far and that is nothing. Nada. Almost one year and nothing to show for it."
Most presidents become a joke at some point. It's a matter of when and how. Both points should concern this president. In Winston Churchill's words, "a joke is a very serious thing." Or it can be, when the joke is about a very serious thing.
"Saturday Night Live" has long been a comedic benchmark. Last weekend, SNL took its first hard hit at President Obama. Fred Armisen, who plays the president, gave an Oval Office address questioning why some critics were distraught with him transforming the country: "When you look at my record it's very clear what I've done so far and that is nothing. Nada. Almost one year and nothing to show for it."
Yesterday I posted a link on Facebook and received a snotty comment from one of my liberal friends…”Faux News, where more people get their news...than probably should.”
Now I know that the left has no respect for Fox News but for all of the claims about being biased here is why I use them as a news source.
Two news stories about the same thing…the deficit estimate is now $1.58 trillion for is from Fox News the other is directly from Reuters. Care to guess which is which?
We are hearing and seeing that Americans are upset and venting at their elected officials in the news constantly…AND?!?!
I expect people to be mad and upset…that is life!
Here is what I am mad about:
- How can you be out supporting a bill that YOU HAVE NOT READ?
- And when questioned about what is in the bill the elected official says that it is right wing propaganda?
These men and women are our employees. We put them in office (even if we didn’t vote for them) and we can fire them.
Let the culling of the herd begin!!! 2010 is right around the corner!!!
Back in May of 2007 I wrote a small piece for this blog called Redefining Insurance, in the piece I used the most simplistic terms to lay out the different between the Health Care plans we all have and Health Insurance.
Well it seems like I’m no longer alone in using this example: CSM: Why can't health insurance be more like auto insurance?
When will people wake up and realize that the governments idea is to pull us all into one large plan that they will administer…think about it like the Post Office or the DMV…long lines…”entitled employees”…and a constant drain on the taxpayers and the consumer.
Name this Place:
I know it has been a long time since I put anything up on this blog and for that I’m sorry.
There are times when you just don’t have the time or energy to post anything and the last 5 weeks were just that.
For 4 weeks I was on an audit in
While I was in
I think that there is a lot out there to talk about and I’m going to wade on in and get things rolling…will start with Name that Place and go from there. I mean it’s been 5 weeks I can’t just jump at this thing like I’ve not been away!
Hope you all are doing well and welcome back.
This week’s is a 50-50 country: 5 out of 10.
PLEASE DO NOT POST THE info or a hint that proves you know it...there are others playing!!!
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