
The title of this article is okay but it is the story that has the kicker!

Immigrants' May Day rally to protest jail practice

4/29/2008 6:54 am

The Immigrant Workers Union will hold a march and rally on Thursday to protest Dane County Sheriff Dave Mahoney's practice of notifying federal officials of jailed inmates' immigration status.

The May Day rally will also show support to improve living and working conditions for millions of undocumented immigrant families across the country.

The march will start at Brittingham Park on West Washington Avenue at 11:30 a.m., ending in a rally on the steps of the City-County Building on Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. in downtown Madison.

Student organizations at UW-Madison will hold a speak-out rally on Library Mall on campus at 10:30 a.m. Thursday, with participants asked to join in the Workers Union march and rally after the student rally.

My recommendation is that the sheriff and his deputies pick up anyone one any violation during this rally (littering, jaywalking, etc) and check their legal status!!

I believe that immigration is the best thing about this country but illegals are just violating the law!!

How can they protest living and working conditions of people that have no legal rights here in this country?!?!

Why do they deserve to be treated fairly when they are violating the law but asking that the law be enforced on others?!??!!

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