Name that Country

Last week we tried something new just for Justin and as it turns out Justin got it right!

The country was Slovakia!

The math problem could have been solved one of two ways…the most accurate way is to know what the country was and determine how wide the country was…in this case Slovakia is approximately 263 miles across.

3.5 inches = 263 miles

3.5/3.5 = 263/3.5

1 inch = 75.1 miles

The other way that would be less accurate would be to measure the width of the country as it appeared on the blog. It should have been approximately 0.34 inches and the scale of the map was 1 inch = 780 miles

0.34(1) = 0.34(780)

0.34 inches = 265 miles

if the country was 3.5 inches wide then the scale would have been:

3.5 = 265

3.5/3.5 = 265/3.5

1 inch = 75.7 miles

This week we are going back to the original version of this ‘game.’

I give this country a 7 out of 10.

But in case you are like Justin and think that this is too hard well I’ll help to easy you back into things…the scale is 1:267

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