What would you look for?

I have been pondering the selection of Senator Joe Biden for VP and the upcoming selection of McCain’s VP and I began to wonder…What would I look for in a running mate?

For instance would you want to select a VP that would balance out where you are weak, thus making your weakness a front page story?

Would you tend toward a more moderate (or radical – depending on your position) VP to help garner votes from that which you have not swayed?

Do you look for a popular figure or someone that is less known to the masses?

Is the choice purely strategic and it makes no difference if that person balances the ticket, your positions, or if you like them?

If you were McCain what would you do now?

Obama opted for same old tired message by picking a guy that has been in the Senate as along as I’ve been alive and who has had no other experience other than being one of 100 Senators.

Should McCain do the strategic thing and go for a woman or minority regardless of the qualifications? Or should he concern himself with qualifications first and then if they happen to be a minority or female it is just a bonus? Would he be best to pick a person that rounds him out…younger, financially savvy, and has governed?

I see Governor Sarah Palin fitting nearly every one of those requirements to be McCain’s VP…and at this point I would choose her…I think she would make an excellent President.

I have not abandoned Romney as VP; I just think that a McCain-Palin ticket is by far a stronger ticket than a McCain-Romney ticket is to defeat ObamaBiden.

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