Well I know it is only 12:30 AM on Thursday back home but here (Australia) it has been Thursday for 16 ½ hours already so I’m ready to post this week’s country.
Wow! Last week’s was obviously very hard…I had expected still unreal to be all over this one but I guess I was wrong!! The country last week was Azerbaijan located on the shores of the Caspian Sea.
This week the only way you will not be able to name the country is if you have been living under a rock for years.
2 out of 10

That was more hints than I normally give but I was feeling generous on such an easy country…Stay tuned next week when the country should be just as easy!
Wow! Last week’s was obviously very hard…I had expected still unreal to be all over this one but I guess I was wrong!! The country last week was Azerbaijan located on the shores of the Caspian Sea.
This week the only way you will not be able to name the country is if you have been living under a rock for years.
2 out of 10

That was more hints than I normally give but I was feeling generous on such an easy country…Stay tuned next week when the country should be just as easy!
Thursday, November 01, 2007
3 comments to "Name that Country"
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Caledonia Unplugged says:
I heard that the favorite Halloween costume in this country is to put a bag on your dad! OK, that was really a s t r e t c h!
grumps says:
Ummmm It looks a heckuva lot like Viet Nam from here.
still Unreal... says:
nice talking point, grumps.
good to see morons and wastes like you have perspective and think for themselves.