Well I will be heading down to Florida tonight and I can not guarantee that I will be able to post anything until next week but I thought that I should share with you the craziness that I am going to be undertaking.
Some of you that know me know that I enjoy running…okay maybe not ‘enjoy’ but know that I run…okay, maybe not ‘run’, it is more of a quick jog. All that aside, I set a goal for myself a couple of years ago to run a marathon in each of the 50 States before I turn 50 and this weekend I will be in Disney World running the Goofy race and a half challenge.
The Disney World Marathon is a weekend event with the ½ marathon being run on Saturday (you get a Donald Duck medal for completing the race) and the full marathon on Sunday (you get a Mickey Mouse medal for completing this race.) Well as some of you may know medals are one of the highlights of running any 26.2 mile course and when you couple that with unique medals such as these you will find runners clamoring to get both.
So Disney decided that in 2007 they would challenge runners to complete both races in the same weekend. If you completed them both in under the qualifying time you would not only get both medals for the races but Disney would present you with a 3rd medal (shaped as Goofy) for being ‘Goofy’ enough to do both!
Hearing this Challenge I knew I had to try to accomplish it. In talking with my fellow runners in the Saturday Morning Running Group I found 4 other hearty souls to join me in this adventure!
On Saturday and Sunday morning we will begin racing at 6:00 AM EST so please keep us in your thoughts.
I will be sure to post a link to my race report when I am done so that you can read what I went through to get 3 Disney medals.
Have a great week and I’ll post when I can.
1 comments to "½ marathon…marathon…"
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still Unreal... says:
You ARE weird...running?? Ugh...
Good luck to you, my friend.