Here I thought that last week’s country was going to be hard…starting to wonder how you guys are coming about your information. Anna830 once again hits the mark with her insightful information on the little country of Liechtenstein.
This week I give it a 3 out of 10…Good Luck!
PLEASE DO NOT POST THE info or a hint that proves you know it...there are others playing!!!

Thursday, April 30, 2009
4 comments to "Name that Country"
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Anna830 says:
LOL... trust me it's not easy. When I start .. I become anal about the need to find it and to let you know I did it.
My kids hate Thursdays because I don't share the pc until I figure out your country quiz. I also get a back ache while searching the world maps.
OH, and, I never can remember my password for Google (this is the only site I need it) and that takes me another 1/2 hour to dig up.
Anna830 says:
Sheesh.. this was too easy. OR, maybe I just have the lucky charm?
trainhead2000 says:
You definitely have the charm, or is it the luck?
Jeff says:
Puzzles like this raise my ire.