The Double Standard

The left loves to say that we are “behind several other states” when it fits their agenda like AB 157 (the Wisconsin Safe Climate for anything other than Business Act).

“I mean there are 10 other states that have already done it why are we so far behind!”

But when a conservative points out that 48 other states have conceal carry for law abiding citizens, they dig in their collective heels and wail that “we don’t want Wisconsin to become the “wild west” do we?”

AB 157 is BAD for Wisconsin.

My favorite quote today about AB 157 was: “Scientists continue to amass data showing the disastrous ecological and economic consequences of global warming pollution,” said Shahla Werner, Ph.D., Director of the John Muir Chapter of the Sierra Club.

You’d think with a Ph.D. she would know that the “data” she is talking about in this press release is hypothetical data NOT actual data!!!

Big difference! Maybe she should stop trying to get crappy legislation through the State House and do a little reading about the subject she should know something about.

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