MSNBC’s David Shuster has been suspended for the following:
DAVID SHUSTER: Bill, there's just something a little bit unseemly to me that Chelsea's out there calling up celebrities, saying support my mom, and she's apparently also calling these super delegates.
BILL PRESS: Hey, she's working for her mom. What's unseemly about that? During the last campaign, the Bush twins were out working for their dad. I think it's great, I think she's grown up in a political family, she's got politics in her blood, she loves her mom, she thinks she'd make a great president --
SHUSTER: But doesn't it seem like Chelsea's sort of being pimped out in some weird sort of way?
Can you tell me what he is being suspended for?
Friday, February 08, 2008
1 comments to "Suspended for….???"
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real sense says:
He probably could have used a better word to describe the situation. He is getting suspended for attacking the daughter of smartest woman in the world, a liberal. Keith Olberman has said far worse without any repercussion. If he was a conservative and said this than he would have been fired. He should not have attacked a liberal.