I’d like to know more…

While looking at the JT site today someone pointed out a story on the police blotter well of course I began to read the blotter when I came across the following listed under Caledonia Thefts (link)

A 20-year-old Caledonia man who stole two cell phones from a store in the 4900 block of Douglas Ave. returned to the store and purchased the phones and apologized for his behavior. The theft was caught on videotape. The store accepted the purchase and his apology and declined to press charges.

I’m curious to know what mad the guy go back and do the right thing? I want to know if he was contacted by someone or did he do this on his own accord? Anyway I look at it I am glad to know that there is still a little bit of guilt out there and that some people see the errors of their way.

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